Welcome to the Dev Update, It’s been a while since we launched our early access of the Descent into Crimson Hollow, we now have some exciting things to share.
State of the Game
Since the release, it’s incredible to see so many of you playing and figuring out the game over the past few weeks. We’re also very happy to see that responses have been positive despite being early access. To echo that point, account sign ups and player numbers are steadily growing. This gives the team great confidence to progress onto our next stage.
What’s next
With early access now out the door, the team has gone back to working on expanding the gameplay further. The past few weeks have provided us with valuable info and we’ll be taking what we’ve learned into our design sessions. While we’re currently unable to share the bigger plans with you just yet, you can expect to see some immediate, quality of life improvements coming your way very soon in our first update (0.11).
These improvements will include things such as:
Smoother transitions and gameflow
Tidier UI and clearer communication
More visual effects and polish
We will be revealing more of our plans or what’s in the work (Did someone say tournament?) in the next dev update once update 0.11 is live.
How often will you hear from us?
Our current plan is to have a dev update once every 3 weeks on all our social channels. This schedule allows us to focus on development and also bring you more meaningful dev updates.
Thank you so much and we hope you continue to have fun with the game. Stay tuned!